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Lakemba - The Multicultural Heartland of Sydney

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Updated: May 17, 2020

Kaye Fisher | Sydney, Australia

Being a self-confessed ‘foddie’, the Western Suburbs of Sydney are perhaps the most multicultural area of New South Wales and the best place to find food! One town in particular is called Lakemba. I stumbled across this city by accident and immediately fell in love with it!!

Settled in 1810, Lakemba is located 15 kilometres from Sydney CBD.

The first time you visit it you might feel a bit unsettled, but soon you forget all about that and can immerse yourself in the bustling community. The main street, Haldon Street, is lined with shops and supermarkets dating to international food, literature, and cuisine. Lebanese, Greeks, Italians, Pakistanis, Indian, and UAE settlers have created a vibrant community that is welcoming and opening to everybody.

No matter where you come from, they make you feel right at home. It is also home to the Lakemba Mosque which has the reputation for being the largest Mosque in Australia. On one street there is a little Egyptian Gift shop while next to it is a Bangladeshi grocery shop. Another one sells middle eastern sweets, while two Islamic bookstores have a huge selection of books that attract people from all sorts of different faiths.

Every Ramadan Lakemba is host to the ‘Ramadan Night Markets’. Held every night of Ramadan, shops set up stalls along the streets and it attracts people from all over Sydney. Muslims and non-muslims all happily join in to celebrate one of Sydney’s biggest festivals.

No visit to Lakemba is complete without trying one of the famous Lebanese pizzas. Made fresh from the oven the stores selling them are by far the busiest in town. They are delicious and sell super quickly. Further up the street, there is a Pakistani Restraunt that is situated next to a Shisha Lounge where on summer evenings men can be seen sitting outside catching up on the day’s events. Kebab shops also serve the most amazing kebabs and their tabouli is so delicious.

Greek Restraunts and Italian Pizza shops also cater for the community and serve amazing dishes of pasta, and mousakka.

No matter what the day or time there is always something happening in to the town, so next time you are in Sydney and are looking for a good day out, give Lakemba a try….you will be surprised!


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